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Further reading □ PrefaceContents1 Introduction2 The basic language3 Storage and block structure of programs4 Routines5 Data I/O6 Monitor printing and fault diagnosis7 Presentation of complete programs8 Complex arithmetic9 Store Mapping10 The use of machine instructions11 Permanent routines □ Appendices and indices □ A1 Phrase structure notationA2 Standard functions and permanent routinesA3 DelimitersA4 Monitored faultsA5 Numerical equivalents of symbols
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ACLLiteratureAtlas manualsAtlas Autocode :: ATLAS AUTOCODE REFERENCE MANUAL
ACLLiteratureAtlas manualsAtlas Autocode :: ATLAS AUTOCODE REFERENCE MANUAL
Further reading

1 Introduction
2 The basic language
3 Storage and block structure of programs
4 Routines
5 Data I/O
6 Monitor printing and fault diagnosis
7 Presentation of complete programs
8 Complex arithmetic
9 Store Mapping
10 The use of machine instructions
11 Permanent routines
Appendices and indices
A1 Phrase structure notation
A2 Standard functions and permanent routines
A3 Delimiters
A4 Monitored faults
A5 Numerical equivalents of symbols

6 Monitor Printing and Fault Diagnosis

There are two types of fault which can be detected by the compiler, those which can be found during compiling and those which become evident during the running of the compiled program. To aid the programmer in correcting these faults information is automatically printed out where a fault occurs.

6.1 Compiler Time Monitoring

During compiling an outline of the program is produced as an aid to the finding of faulty instructions. It also associates each block and routine with its serial number, for use in tracing faults found at run time (see later). All faults during compiling are monitored. Those to which a line number can be attached, such as NAME NOT SET, are preceded by it, while those which can only be found at the end of a routine such as TOO FEW REPEATS are monitored after the END. In calculating the line number, blank lines are ignored, and lines joined by the continuation symbol c count as one. Finally at the end of each routine all the non-local variables except the permanent routines and functions are printed out. Although these do not necessarily indicate a fault, they may indicate a name which should have been declared locally. A typical program monitor might be

  0       BEGIN BLOCK : SERIAL NO = 89, M/C ADDRESS = 2721
 55*      LABEL 7 SET TWICE
115*        NAME TEMP NOT SET
   *        LABEL 18 NOT SET

The above should be self-explanatory. It indicates that the program started at line 0 and finished on line 182. These are physical lines and exclude all blank lines on the print-out. The outer block is given the serial number 89. The routine POLY started on line 70 and was given the serial number 90. There were mistakes in lines 26 and 55 and two in line 115. Finally label 18 was not set in the routine POLY.

Since there may be more than one statement on a line, it is not possible to tell specifically which statement is involved but the faults are printed in the order in which they are discovered. A full list of faults is given in Appendix 4 together with a brief description of their nature.

6.2 Run Time Monitoring

During the running of a program certain faults may be detected both by the compiler and by the machine and its supervisor program. For example, the supervisor program detects the case where the square root of a negative argument is being requested and the compiler detects faults connected with switch and test instructions.

The standard procedure is to print out 2 lines of information specifying the fault and the line on which it occurs followed by a list of useful information found in the FIXED part of the stack. For example:-



10  5
0.3333333341α  0  -1.1249999997α -1  0.0000000000α-99
6 4


0.0000000000α-99  3.7152463802α  3
10  5  3  6

indicates that an instruction in line 117 routine 90 (the line number refers to the entire program, not just the routine), resulted in exponent overflow. Then follows a list of the scalars, array dimensions and cycles of the routine in the order in which they were originally declared, followed by the list for the routine or block which called this routine, then that of the routine which called it and so on until the main block is reached. Thus the above might correspond to:-

real a,b
integer i,j,k,l
array X,Y(1:10,1:5)
matrix fn (X,Y,i,j)
  routine matrix fn(arrayname A,B integer m,n)
  real a,b,c ; integer i,j
  cycle i = 1,1,m
  cycle j = 1,1,n
end of program
  1. This fault print out must be interpreted with care. When the fault occurs, the fault print out routine looks in the STACK to find the fixed variables and interpret them (see section 10). Now every location in the store initially looks as if it contains a real quantity. Thus:-
    1. until an integer is assigned a value, it will appear as (and be printed as) a floating point quantity (probably zero).
    2. until an array declaration is obeyed, it will appear as 2 floating- point quantities.
    3. until a cycle has been entered, it will appear as 3 floating- point quantities.
    Conversely, since all sub-routines of a program share the same space, then on entry to the second and subsequent routines, the stack will contain the values left by the previous routine and these will be interpreted accordingly, if the current routine does not alter them.
  2. The 'CURRENT VALUE' attributed to a cycle is the value of the integer name used on the left hand side of the instruction at the time of the fault. Thus if a program consisted of a number of cycles one after other, controlled by i, and the fault were inside the last cycle, then all cycles would have the same 'CURRENT VALUE' - the current value of i.
  3. Only cycles, arrays, integers and reals are distinguished.
    1. for integer name's and real name's the address of the actual paramter is printed (as an integer).
    2. for array fn's (see Section 9) its parameters are printed (as integers).
    3. for routines and function's used as parameters, six real quantities are printed.
    4. for complex quantities, the real and imaginary parts are printed in floating point style.

6.3 Fault Trapping

The above standard monitoring procedure involving the termination of the program, is not always convenient. For example if a program is dealing with a series of data sets, it may be preferable to restart on the next 'case' in the event of (say) EXP OVERFLOW rather than terminate the entire job.

An instruction is provided which enables the user to trap certain faults and transfer control to some preassigned point in the program. It takes the form:-

fault [FAULT LIST]

For example:-

fault 1,2,5 ->18, 3,4 ->10

means 'if a fault of type 1,2 or 5 subsequently occurs then jump to label 18 ; and if a fault of type 3 or 4 occurs then jump to label 10. The effect is to preserve all the necessary control data to enable control to revert to this point in the program (and then jump to label 18 or 10) should one of the specified types of faults occur at some lower (or the same) level. The label must be in the same block as the trapping statement, which will usually be in the 'main' block at (say) level 1 or 2.

The fault instruction has dynamic significance, and a following fault instruction can change this trapping action. All faults not referred to by a fault instruction are dealt with in the usual way (i.e. they cause the program to be terminated).

The first two lines of the standard fault monitoring are printed for faults trapped in this way. Appendix 4 contains the list of faults which can be trapped and the corresponding fault numbers.

6.4 Fault Diagnosis

Provision is made to compile certain checking facilities in selected parts of the program. Having been compiled they can then be switched on or off at run time by means of instructions in the program. The formats are:-


The first pair of statements are DECLARATIVES which delimit the areas of the program in which provision is to be made for the particular checking facility. The second pair are INSTRUCTIONS which turn the facility on or off (initially they are on). They do this by setting a certain switch which is examined whenever the facility is about to be executed. If the relevant switch is on then the facility is executed, if off it is skipped. If the facility has not been compiled in the first place then the instructions have no effect. This switch setting is extremely fast so that there is nothing to be gained from recording the current state of the switch (in some integer, say), and testing this before each setting order. For example, the following sequence causes queries to be printed every tenth time round the cycle.

cycle i = 1,1,m
queries off 
if fracpt(1/10) = 0 then queries on

The switch sensing on the other hand is a time consuming operation and it is for this reason that the declaratives are provided to delimit the areas of the program in which this takes place. In most cases, however, the check is compiled over the entire program.

The checking facilities in question are described by the phrase:-

[check] = queries, routine trace, jump trace, array bound check

They will be described in turn.

6.5 Query Printing

Any arithmetic instruction (including complex) can be followed by a ?, for example:-

a = b(i) + c?

When the facility is operative the new value on the l.h.s. is printed every time the instruction is obeyed. The style of printing will be fixed, floating, or complex floating according as the l.h.s. is of integer, real, or complex type.

[Unlike the other facilities, ?'s are normally compiled so that a compile queries at the head of a program is redundant. Also ignore queries is equivalent to stop queries.]

6.6 Routine Tracing

When the routine trace is operative it causes the routine number to be printed each time a routine or block is entered and left. The correspondence between the routine number and the name can be found from the program outline produced during compilation. The printout of a routine trace might appear

R95 R97 RF96 END96 END97 R99.......

Here R, RF denote routine and real fn respectively. The full list of abbreviations is: -

B begin        R routine
IF integer fn   RF real fn    CF complex fn
IM integer map RM real map  CM complex map

6.7 Jump Tracing

The jump trace facility allows the flow of the program to be followed in greater detail. For every jump instruction obeyed the label number is printed; for every test the value of the label at which the [COND] is satisfied is printed; for every switch the value of the switching index is printed. Thus a label trace might appear

->3 T1 ->4 ->6 S3 ->7 ->8 ->9

Here T and S refer to test and switch respectively. If the label and routine trace are both operative the print out might appear:-

R95 ->3 T1 ->4 ->5 R97 S3........

6.8 Array Bound Check

If this facility is operative the values of the subscript expressions in all array elements are checked to see if they lie in the range specified by the bound pairs in the array declarations. If not, the program is terminated with the appropriate monitoring.

6.9 Other Checking Facilities

Certain checks are built into the object program e.g., whether a cycle instruction calls for an integral number of cycles and whether a switch index is out of range or corresponds to a label not set. All are time and space consuming operations. They can be removed from an object program which is otherwise ready for production by means of the declaration

production run
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